DVLA View driving record team

View driving record – lots of my focus over the past few weeks has been assisting this team to get to their public beta.

It’s been a bit of a testing-fest with load, penetration and data quality testing going on. As the data from the driving records goes though a pretty complicated process to get to us, the DVLA testing team have been working hard to make sure we’re receiving and interpreting the data in the correct way. This work has been going on over the past few weekends, as well as testing the links to DWP/HMRC for our interim identity-assurance process.

The service was opened up to everyone at DVLA a couple of days before launch and we released to the public last week. The team will now take a bit of a breather before looking at what needs to be done to make the service “live”.

Vehicle management & personalised registrations – the teams have been working away to finish their alpha and get more information to let us proceed to beta. The team has also grown a bit so we can kick off the beta of vehicle management and start work on an alpha of personalised registrations online.

Vehicle enquiries – a new team has started over the last few weeks to start looking at providing new digital services for handling vehicle enquiries. This might include things such as a view vehicle record, making it easier for fleet companies to see everything about their cars and looking at some of the bulk data requests the DVLA gets.

Other things I’ve been involved in:

  • I spent some time working with the team at DfT running the HGV levy service for foreign operators. I’ve been helping them get the service to the point where it can go into beta and looking at a plan for future improvements.
  • Been involved in a few digital by default assessments
  • Spent time with the technical people from all the DVLA teams looking at how we can share components better to move us towards a more common infrastructure platform.
  • Helped out with the 2nd round of recruitment for HMRC’s new digital centre. I’ve been helping to interview for technical roles